Monday, 3 March 2014

February Newsletter 2014
Singing in counselling - how does that work?

You may have discovered my work at Fiona Claire: Sing.Create.Live and wondered, how does singing in a counselling session actually happen and how can that be useful for me?  Perhaps you like to sing in the shower but are afraid of singing with others, maybe you’ve been told you have a bad voice.  Perhaps you are curious about learning to sing but feel a bit blocked about it too.  Perhaps you have tried talking therapies and would like to try something different to shift your energy.  But how and why does it work?

Singing traditions
Singing in a therapeutic setting can be surprisingly powerful, but it is not such a surprise when we realise that singing together is what humans have been doing since the beginning of time.  In fact, it is possible that we sang before we learned to speak.  Our brains are hardwired to gather and share information via singing, this is how the news was, and still is, passed around in traditional societies and this is how humans have connected and bonded over millennia.  

Singing and well-being
The evidence just keeps piling up that singing, alone and with others, has serious health benefits.  These included improved posture, circulation, lung function, abdominal muscles and core strength, increased positive brain hormones and better mood, relaxation and better sleep.  All of this adds up to a stronger immunity, less anxiety and better over wellbeing.
There is also a simple and profound benefit in making noise and being heard.  Raising our voice is an act of confidence and a statement of “Here I am”.  Using music enables access to places that are not limited by language, this lets us express what may often feel too complicated or overwhelming to put in to words.

The neuroscience
When we sing and make music our brain is activated in both the left and right hemispheres - this means that we are more able to remember, integrate and make new connections as our creative, emotional right brain and our fact-liking, rational left brain are working together.  Recent studies by Gottfried Schlaug, a neurology professor at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, have found that “singing has the ability to activate many other parts of the brain, including cognitive, emotional, and physical functions and abilities” and that “Music engages huge swathes of the brain”.   ( )  
This has great implications for enabling us to make changes in our thinking and emotions, as singing fires up the possibilities for neuroplasiticty - the process of brain growth and adaptation.  So using singing whilst we are exploring our inner world, psychology and the positive changes we would like to make, means that any new thoughts and habits will be more likely to be stored and integrated into our every day life.

in the session - releasing your unique natural voice
When I approach singing in counselling I follow the format of an expressive therapy session as developed by Mark Pearson and Helen Wilson of the Expressive Therapies Institute of Australia.  This format ensures the session includes time for becoming settled and in tune with ourselves, time to connect to emotions and working through them via expression and release and, importantly, time to process these experiences, reflect and integrate any new knowledge.

Warm up
A session will start with some time to chat about what you expect and any questions you may have.  You will be given some time to be still and listen to your body, to get in touch with your voice and yourself.  We will then progress to some fun warm up activities including breathing activities, funny noises and vocal health techniques.  You will be supported by me at all times and encouraged to speak up if we go out of your comfort zone.

let’s sing
When we get singing there are a few different options including singing songs that are chosen for their personal meaning to you,  singing some fun, short and easy songs that get the blood pumping and the body humming, preparing songs for a special occasion, improvising and exploring different types of singing for emotional release and perhaps even composing and singing songs that are custom made for your own singing goals.  All these options can be explored over subsequent sessions if you wish.  Most importantly the songs we choose are within your own range and no experience is necessary - the session is about releasing your unique, natural voice and not about judging whether your voice is good or bad or comparing your voice to that of others.  All voices are are worthy of being heard.
During the session, you may feel some emotions or have difficult thoughts pop up, and I will give you time to express and process these.  Singing is both a physical and emotional act and it can connect us to previous feelings and experiences, especially if you have had blocks and fear about singing or speaking up in the past.  You will be supported in this space.

relax and reflect
After singing we will do some vocal cool down work and you will have a moment to relax.  As we are integrating counselling, there will be time to reflect on your session, perhaps using a short drawing activity to explore this further.  We will also look over your counselling and singing goals and talk about some vocal exercises you can do at home and what your next session may be like.  This is a good time to think about what other songs you would like to explore.

A natural process
Singing is something us humans have been doing for ever, but somewhere along the line in Western society it became something you gave up as a child and handed over to the professionals.  But really, it’s a beautiful way to express emotions and a great tool for personal growth.  To me, empowering others to explore their unique voice and discover the well-being that comes from that, is a natural step to take in creative counselling.
The things to remember are:
  • Your voice is unique and worthy of being heard.
  • No experience is necessary.
  • You will not be judged on your singing ability.
  • You can go at your own pace and will be challenged gently.
  • If you feel nervous or uncomfortable you will be supported.
  • You will step out with a new perspective and a song in your heart! 

I hope this answered any questions you may have about how singing works in counselling, please feel free to contact me if you would like further information.

In the mean time, try humming a little tune. 

Kind regards, 

Fiona Claire.

Work with me: Individual Counselling, Creativity and Therapeutic Singing and Songwriting Sessions by appointment. Email: or call 0437 985 132


Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona Claire, thank you so much for your lovely words on my blog. I am so happy that your comment led me to this place - wow, your work is amazing! I am going to learn so many helpful ways to work through and make 'happy little changes' by reading it all...I love it! I had really forgotten how blogging leads you into so many different worlds and gets all the inspiration and creativity stirring again.I can really relate to your searching too. I will look forward to reading more. Take care x

Fiona Claire said...

Hi Mum Seeks Life - and thank you for your lovely words too. I'm glad you are enjoying the newsletters, it's all about sharing isn't it? x