This is the start of something new.
The first newsletter from Fiona Claire: Sing.Create.Live.
And as I sit at my new desk, I am excited about the exchanges we will be having and the opportunity this represents to share the ideas and the tools about which I am enthusiastic.
I wonder what seeds will be sown?
I’m going to be talking a lot about creativity, empowerment, positivity, music and how they all fit together. It’s a conversation which goes on and on - as all the best conversations do!
I’m also going to be addressing some of the things that can stand in our way when we begin to create, be empowered and be positive. And ways that we can overcome those obstacles and begin to build our own path to the kind of life we want to live. And of course, the ways that my services may help you or your organisation to build that path.
Which brings me back to beginnings.
The truth is that this story began a long time ago - perhaps when I first sat on a swing under the banana palms and sang my own never-ending songs for hours at a time at the age of 4. Or when I sang in a high school choir at an aged-care home and saw the positive impact, beyond words, that communicating with music can have. Or perhaps it began after my second child was born and with a mixture of fear and relief I acknowledged that the domestic sphere was not enough for me and that I had a great need to use my unique skills to help others - and the time to start was now........
As a creative person, I day dream a lot and have a lot of ideas. But true empowerment comes from seeing our ideas in action and deed, having an effect in the world.
How do we get our ideas into action and out in to the world?
We must begin.
If procrastination or fear or any of your own unique obstacles are stopping you from beginning, try these tips:
- Do one small thing, Leo Babauta from, suggests you make it so easy that you can’t say no!
- Don’t judge or compare your effort to that of others - this is a huge killer of creativity and action and really gives you no important information - other people are not you - their path will be different.
- If you have an inner conflict going on, don’t listen to the voice of fear, it never wants you to do anything!
- Take a moment to connect with your purpose and meaning - you may have a saying, a picture, an inspiring note, that can remind why you are taking action now.
- Plan a reward for after you have done your one small thing (unless you are so inspired you feel like doing another small thing!)
I’m off to reward myself by listening to some music with a cup of tea and the newspaper now.
Happy Beginnings,
Fiona Claire.
Work with me: Individual Counselling, Creativity and Therapeutic Singing Sessions by appointment. Email: or call 0437 985 132
Creativity Workshop: Sunday March 24th, 1:30 -3:30 Jika Jika Community Centre, Northcote.
Song Writing Course: Duration: 6 weeks, Monday evenings 7:30 - 9:30pm at Jika Jika Community Centre, Northcote. Commencing May 20 2013. Concluding with a performance opportunity.
All bookings and enquiries to Fiona Claire 0437 985 132
or email: